Custom CRM system for a consulting company

Custom CRM system for a consulting company

An inner customer management system for a company specializing in legal, financial and migration consulting.

It is essential for a consulting business to automatically collect leads from the web, to track each client’s journey and to monitor the key figures in real time. We have developed a data system which meets these requirements, and a huge positive impact on the company’s performance has been recorded since the launch.


A web application

Automating and synchronizing the work of business units


A mobile application

Quick and easy access to information and consulting services


A mobile application

Real-time control of the key performance indicators and data-driven planning


MAS IT crew
Client’s crew
Project Manager

Project Manager

Planned sprints, milestones and release dates. Controlled and managed the workflow in Slack and Jira

Web Designer

Web Designer

Plotted user stories and scenarios, created layouts and clickable prototypes. Designed the interface in accordance with the client’s brandbook

Senior MEAN Developer

Senior MEAN Developer

Set up the database architecture and API, reviewed the code, maximized the performance

Middle MEAN Developer

Middle MEAN Developer

Set up the frontend, UX/UI and adaptive layout. Reviewed and managed the quality of the code

QA Engineer

QA Engineer

Tracked the bugs, reported to the developers. Assured the highest product quality

DevOPS Engineer

DevOPS Engineer

Automatized and managed deploy and delivery, kept the development process continuous and cohesive

Business Owner

Business Owner

Coordinated and prioritized the tasks in accordance with the company’s needs and goals

Technical Officer

Technical Officer

Held responsibility for the deadlines and milestones, planned and managed the budget

Implementation Manager

Implementation Manager

Introduced the new CRM system into the company, onboarded the staff, managed the test exploitation stage

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Reviewing and reverse engineering the client’s previous CRM system

Developing and seamlessly transferring data into the new system

Setting up external integrations to automatically create the lead inflow

Designed the web system interface and two mobile applications



Launched an MVP and successfully completed the test exploitation period
5 months
Monitored the performance and gathered feedback from the client
5 months
Launched version 2.0 with upgraded design and UX/UI scenarios
4 months
Further development. Upgrading existing and launching new modules
In progress

Technology Stack

  • Domain logic layer ( 5)
  • Hybrid mobile applications (Ionic 5)
  • Azure SQL + Blob storage
  • Modern frontend stack (Angular 11)
Tools for case CRM
Heights that helped to conquer in case CRM

Impact on the customer’s performance

  • Three times more clients By automating the lead generation the company has tripled its client base in a year
  • Twice faster inflow processing The AI module helps the call-center to process incoming applications faster, which results in a better user experience
  • Five times faster staff onboarding New personnel quickly adapt to an intuitive CRM interface and it takes the company less resources to onboard them
  • Safe online payments The new CRM is integrated with all common payment systems, and it enabled the company to transfer the cashflow online
  • Automated clients classification A self-learning artificial intellect classifies and prioritizes the applications, taking the manual work away from the personnel
  • 24/7 cash flow monitoring The partners and investors can study current and expected income and expenses through the mobile app


  • Looking into an outdated and nonperforming database which was unable to handle the load (PHP + MySQL monolith)
  • Creating a complicated tree of user and operator interfaces for adaptive and mobile versions
  • Launching a flexible data security and access restriction subsystem
  • Transferring to microservice module architecture which is highload-proof. Currently it handles 200 active users, 1000+ incoming applications daily, 400 000 client records and 142 000 USD of cash flow monthly
Turbulence zones that have passed in case CRM
Contact us

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